Discover how to maintain a balanced body weight for good health. Learn essential tips for achieving a healthy lifestyle through diet, exercise, and effective weight management strategies.
Adopt fasting
To keep body weight in proportion, fasting one day a week is very beneficial, which increases our metabolism and gives rest to the stomach mechanism.
By fasting, our energy digests the toxic elements inside our body when we feel hungry, due to which the possibility of getting any incurable disease in future is negligible.
Do one exercise every day
Include exercise in your daily life because exercise keeps our body active and flexible and it helps in reducing weight.
Avoid doing the same type of exercise every day, instead you can do running, yoga, pushup setup and pranayam, that is, do a new exercise every day, which keeps a new feeling and there is a tremendous increase in strength and stamina in our body.
Eat on time
Set a time for your meals in your daily lifestyle and eat your food at that time.
While eating, just eat food and divert your attention from all other tasks and things. Focus only on food, taste it and chew it well.
Have a full breakfast before 8 in the morning, a full lunch before 2 and a light dinner before 8 in the evening.
By doing this, our body’s metabolism gets controlled and we maintain constant energy and body weight becomes stable.
Sleep is necessary
We should sleep before 10 pm and wake up before 6 am, which means that proper sleep plays a very important role in our physical and mental health, therefore it is essential to sleep for at least 8 hours.
After getting proper sleep, we feel healthy and full of energy, so that we can do our work properly without getting tired the next day.
Do not sleep in the afternoon, it has a bad effect on the metabolism of the body and leads to weight gain, therefore we should never sleep immediately after eating food. There should be a gap of at least 2 hours between our sleep and dinner time.
Remove these things from your diet
Remove junk food, processed food, fried, spicy and sweet things from your diet forever because these things give us pleasure for a few moments but the side effects are of long term which have a direct effect on our body weight.
Do not take any nutrition food or medicine suggested by someone to reduce weight because it has a very bad effect on our body in long term. Whatever you take, take only natural things.
It is necessary for our body weight to be in proportion to our height, so definitely see the chart given below. For our good physical and mental health, we should understand the above 5 things deeply and adopt them in our daily life.
If we pay attention to our body weight and food, then we can live a long and healthy life.